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12-11-13 Cdp Luhan on Government failing citizens on colorectal cancer - -- Picture 208.jpg
12-11-14 Cdp Lamassoure on state of play budgets negotiations 2012_2013 - -- 12-11-14 Cdp budget 02.jpg
12-11-14 Cdp Lamassoure on state of play budgets negotiations 2012_2013 - -- 12-11-14 Cdp budget 05.jpg
12-11-15 Cdp on Research and budget for next MFF, Sartori, Carvahlo - -- 12-11-15 Cdp Research Budget 11.jpg
12-11-15 Cdp on Research and budget for next MFF, Sartori, Carvahlo - -- 12-11-15 Cdp Research Budget 16.jpg
12-11-15 Cdp on Research and budget for next MFF, Sartori, Carvahlo - -- 12-11-15 Cdp Research Budget 17.jpg
12-11-20 Briefing Presse, Daul, Thyssen - -- 12-11-20 Briefing Presse 08.jpg
12-11-20 Briefing Presse, Daul, Thyssen - -- 12-11-20 Briefing Presse 11.jpg
12-11-20 Briefing Presse, Daul, Thyssen - -- 12-11-20 Briefing Presse 17.jpg
12-11-20 Cdp Mathieu, Weber on The fight against corruption - -- jacolino 004.jpg
12-11-20 Cdp Mathieu, Weber on The fight against corruption - -- jacolino 015.jpg
12-11-20 Cdp Mathieu, Weber on The fight against corruption - -- jacolino 039.jpg
12-11-20 Cdp van de Camp on safer and greener motorbikes - -- 12-11-20 Cdp motorbikes 06.jpg
12-11-20 Cdp on jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement, Zwiefka - -- 12-11-20 intrnat jurisdiction 08.jpg
12-11-20 Cdp on jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement, Zwiefka - -- 12-11-20 intrnat jurisdiction 09.jpg
12-11-21 Cdp on 2013 budget, Mauro, Gargani - -- 12-11-21 Cdp on 2013 budget 03.jpg
12-11-21 Cdp on 2013 budget, Mauro, Gargani - -- 12-11-21 Cdp on 2013 budget 06.jpg
12-11-21 Cdp on 2013 budget, Mauro, Gargani - -- 12-11-21 Cdp on 2013 budget 12.jpg
12-11-21 Cdp Security and defence policy, Danjean - -- 12-11-21 Cdp Security and defence 02.jpg
12-11-21 Cdp Security and defence policy, Danjean - -- 12-11-21 Cdp Security and defence 09.jpg
12-11-21 Cdp on new commsionner, Daul, Busuttil - -- 12-11-21 Cdp new commsionner 02.jpg
12-11-21 Cdp on new commsionner, Daul, Busuttil - -- 12-11-21 Cdp new commsionner 07.jpg
12-11-29 Cdp on Data Protection Regulation, Voss, Reding - -- 12-11-29 Cdp Data Protec Reg 08.jpg
12-11-29 Cdp on Data Protection Regulation, Voss, Reding - -- 12-11-29 Cdp Data Protec Reg 10.jpg
12-11-28 Cdp Carvalho - -- 12-11-28 Cdp Horizon2020- 05.jpg
12-11-28 Cdp Carvalho - -- 12-11-28 Cdp Horizon2020- 09.jpg
12-11-29 Cdp on bank supervision, Thyssen - -- 12-11-29 Cdp bank supervision 03.jpg
12-11-29 CdP Luhan on Personalized Medicine - -- 12-11-29 CdP Luhan on Personalized Medicine0000000003.JPG