Jens Gieseke is 42 years old and grew up in Lathen, Germany. He now lives with his family in Sögel, Emsland. After studying law in Osnabrück, Lausanne and Geneva, he completed is 1st State Examination in Freiburg and his 2nd in Düsseldorf. In his capacity as lawyer, he was admitted to the bar of the Oldenburg Higher Regional Court at the Court of Papenburg. Mr Gieseke has worked in Brussels since 2001. He first served in the European Parliament as a Parliamentary Assistant and from 2005 till 2014, he was the Head of the Brussels liaison office of the German Airports Association ADV. After a successful campaign, Jens Gieseke was elected as a Member of the European Parliament and sits on the committees on the environment, agriculture and fisheries. MEP since 2014.