Our sister organisations
Our Foundations and Networks go beyond legislative work and reach out to other like-minded people inside and outside of the EU, increasing the space for dialogue in which centre-right ideas can flourish. Each of our Foundations and Networks has its own specific mission and is governed independently from within to meet its own strategic goals.
European Ideas Network
An open, pan-European think-tank for the centre-right in European politics for promoting new thinking on the key challenges facing the countries of the European Union. Launched in the summer of 2002, the Network now has an active membership of around 600 policy-makers and opinion-shapers across the European Union. The EIN brings together politicians, businessmen, academics, policy advisers, think-tankers, journalists and representatives of civil society, as well as external non-party experts and commentators.
Robert Schuman Foundation
Conceived by German CDU politician and then Chair of the EPP Group, Egon A. Klepsch, the Foundation was set up in 1989 to support democracy in Europe. Comprising EPP members, the Foundation supports democracy in Latin America, Africa and, above all, Central, South-Eastern and Eastern Europe. Its ‘Stagiaire Programme’ offers one-month traineeships in the European Parliament to young people with centre-right values.
Robert Schuman Institute
The Institute is the European educational centre for politicians and parties belonging to the political family of the EPP, promoting the idea of a united Europe and the basic values of the EPP. It has been offering education and training to active and future politicians of the parties belonging to the EPP family, as well as organising conferences on actual regional issues, since 1995.