L-MEP Peter Agius u l-MP Albert Buttigieg b'petizzjoni tal-UE għall-infurzar tar-regoli dwar it-tniġġis tal-istorbju
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Il-pożizzjonijiet hawnhekk huma tad-delegazzjoni nazzjonali u mhux bilfors dejjem jirriflettu l-pożizzjoni tal-Grupp.

"Illum naġixxu fuq id-drittijiet tar-residenti li jgħixu fil-paċi. Ir-regoli tal-UE u dawk lokali għandhom jagħtu d-drittijiet sabiex jillimitaw il-livelli tal-istorbju u l-ħinijiet ta’ mistrieħ, iżda dawn mhumiex infurzati f’Malta. Ir-residenti jilmentaw mal-awtoritajiet iżda dawn ma jaġixxux. Issa qed nappellaw lill-Parlament Ewropew biex jintervjeni u jiżgura li f’Malta jiġu infurzati r-regoli tal-UE dwar it-tniġġis tal-istorbju" qalu l-MEP Peter Agius u d-Deputat Albert Buttigieg waqt li ħabbru s-sottomissjoni ta’ petizzjoni lill-Parlament Ewropew.
Il-petizzjoni li tressqet lill-Kumitat għall-Petizzjonijiet tal-Parlament Ewropew hekk kif waslet mill-MEP Agius u tħejjiet flimkien mad-Deputat Albert Buttigieg li jaġixxi f’isem ir-residenti ta’ Tas-Sliema u San Ġiljan.
L-MEP Peter Agius spjega kif il-kwistjoni tal-livelli ta’ storbju li ġej minn Xogħlijiet fit-toroq, proġetti ta’ bini u stabbilimenti ta’ divertiment kienet waħda mill-aktar ilmenti frekwenti minn kostitwenti waqt il-kampanja tiegħu biex jiġi elett MEP fit-8 ta’ Ġunju.
"Qabel l-elezzjoni wiegħed li se nieħu azzjoni konkreta. Issa naġixxu fuq dik il-wegħda" qal l-MEP.
Id-deputat Albert Buttigieg enfasizza kif ir-residenti jħossuhom waħedhom u maqbuda bejn impriżi kummerċjali privati ma’ stabbilimenti ta’ rikreazzjoni, xogħlijiet fit-toroq u proġetti ta’ bini li joħolqu storbju f’kull ħin tal-ġurnata u tal-lejl, li jaqbeż il-limiti legali u l-awtoritajiet li jidhru li huma impotenti biex jaġixxu. "Bħala rappreżentant tal-poplu fl-10 distrett huwa d-dmir tiegħi li nara li r-residenti jgawdu d-dritt li jgħixu fil-paċi. Inkomplu nimbottaw biex dan id-dritt jitgawda b’mod effettiv u ma jibqax fuq il-karta biss." qal Albert Buttigieg.
"Dalwaqt se nkunu qed nappellaw lin-nies kollha ta’ rieda tajba biex jingħaqdu f’din il-petizzjoni online b’kampanja ‘Stop the noise’ biex nesprimu l-appoġġ tagħna għad-dritt tagħna li ngħixu fil-paċi f’Tas-Sliema, San Ġiljan u madwar il-gżejjer tagħna kollha. Din tkun l-opportunità tagħkom biex tara li nistgħu ngħixu fil-paċi fi djarna bil-protezzjoni legali ta’ limiti għal-livelli ta’ storbju u ħinijiet biżżejjed ta’ lejl u nhar." qalu Agius u Buttigieg.
Petition submitted to the European Parliament Petitions Committee
Let’s protect Europeans from Noise Pollution, Implement effectively EU rights on the Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise.
Petition submitted on behalf of Sliema/St. Julians residents in Malta. Implementation of EU directive on Noise Pollution.
Residents in several localities in Malta and in particular Sliema & St. Julians are suffering from continuous noise pollution from local establishments with loud music and continuous roadworks without limits and enforcement to the European and local rules limiting noise pollution in residential areas.
While EU rules foresee the establishment of ‘noise mapping’ and action plans in Malta with a view to limit and control noise pollution to the benefits of residents, such measures are not effectively implemented in Malta thus leaving residents alone in their fight for a peaceful enjoyment of their residence.
Dear Members of the Petitions Committee,
Europe is first and foremost about citizen's rights. If we fail to give a citizen his or her right then Europe is failing. Residents in busy touristic areas in Malta are being subject to high volumes of noise pollution during the late hours of the night and also during early hours of the day.
EU Directive 2002/49/EC - Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise
This directive gives Maltese residents the right to live in peace in their homes particularly by establishing limits to noise exposure together with an obligation for Member States authorities to monitor noise pollution by establishing noise mapping plans, national action plans and then to effectively implement such measure with a view to guaranteeing effective rights for residents to live in peace and protected from excessive noise levels, especially in certain parts of the day and night.
Current Situation in Maltese Localities
Notwithstanding such EU and national provisions, residents in a number of localities in Malta have been constantly under pressure and duress as the local entertainment establishments in the area keep on playing loud music (amplified music) past midnight and in most instances until the early mornings during the weekend but also during weekdays.
When called upon local authorities do not intervene and when asked to do so, authorities that have been contacted consistently, shrug off responsibility and point to another authority citing that another particular authority as responsible for handling these matters.
Residents also complain of the noise from the ongoing road construction works which have never seen an end in these localities and it is also causing a lot of noise pollution throughout the evenings. Several roads in these areas are under constant construction (causing a lot of noise pollution in the process) and once constructed, after a week or two these same roads have to be opened again for other works due to lack of planning. Apart from causing never-ending traffic, this is also causing a lot of stress and duress from a noise pollution point of view for the respective Sliema & St. Julians residents.
Notwithstanding the provisions of EU Directive 2002/49/EC relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise, the local authorities did not implement such Directive and refuse to act to enforce resident rights to limit noise pollution beyond a certain noise limit or hours of the day/night.
The respective officials in charge of the respective national authorities in Malta are deliberately and constantly failing to deliver any way forward. The residents of Ta’ Sliema & St. Julians remain in the dark, without any justifiable explanation as to the reasons for the insufferable delay in the Maltese Government tackling in a serious manner the state of noise pollution in Malta. Such cases of ineffective implementation calls for a recourse to the European Parliament Petitions Committee to see that the European system of safeguards actually works in their case and the Eu directive implemented effectively
The citizens of Sliema & St. Julians together with their respective Maltese Parliamentary representative have been trying to constantly get in touch with the relevant Maltese national authorities in order to deal with this matter however leading to lack of clarity and/or clear explanation in return, leaving considerable duress on these same residents without providing any form of adequate solution.
Citizen rights arising from EU Directive 2002/49/EC:
The EU Directive provides a basis for developing and completing the existing set of Community measures concerning noise emitted by the major sources, in particular road and infrastructure noise. The Directive also requires Member States to do strategic noise mapping in certain areas of interest applying the principle of prevention whereby data is captured to provide a representation of the noise levels perceived within that area. The Directive also requires Member States to draft Action plans that should address priorities in those areas of interest and should be drawn up by the competent authorities in consultation with the public.
This Directive notably highlights that it shall apply to environmental noise to which humans are exposed in particular in built-up areas. To this end the following action must be implemented progressively by the Member State in question in this case Malta:
(a) the determination of exposure to environmental noise, through noise mapping, by methods of assessment common to the Member States;
(b) ensuring that information on environmental noise and its effects is made available to the public;
(c) adoption of action plans by the Member States, based upon noise-mapping results, with a view to preventing and reducing environmental noise where necessary and particularly where exposure levels can induce harmful effects on human health and to preserving environmental noise quality where it is good.
The Directive also notes that the measures within the plans are at the discretion of the competent authorities but should notably address priorities which may be identified by the exceeding of any relevant limit value or by other criteria chosen by the Member States and apply in particular to the most important areas as established by strategic noise mapping.
It shall also be noted through the Directive that Member States shall ensure that the strategic noise maps have been made and where appropriate adopted and action plans have been drawn up and made available to the public in accordance with the relevant Community legislation in particular Council Directive 90/313/EEC of 7 June 1990 on the freedom of access to information on the environment including by means of available information technologies.
Malta has created a “Draft Noise Action Plan for Malta agglomeration 2019-2024”, however concrete implementation and enforcement through its’ national authorities is lacking on all levels. Moreover, such Action plan is devoid of specific input for localities such as St Julians, Sliema and Valletta where residents have to face commercial establishments daily who are using loud music until late at night and without any enforcement to limit such noise exposure.
When asking for their rights to be enforced, residents are not offered any concrete explanation justifying such delays in implementation and enforcement of the already existing draft noise action plan, nor were they offered any way forward whereby the citizen of the above mentioned localities can put their mind at rest that the national authorities are or will be acting upon the implementation of the draft noise action plan 2019-2024.
In this context, I submit this petition for discussion, inter alia, to:
- Consider the monitoring of the effective implementation by the European Commission of EU Directive 2002/49/EC relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise in Malta.
- Consider whether residents in affected areas should have other remedies when local authorities fail to implement rights arising from EU Directive 2002/49/EC.
- Ask the Commission to enquire the state of play with regards to the implementation in Malta of the Action Plan pursuant to EU Directive 2002/49/EC relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise.
Received by MEP Peter Agius
Submitted by Albert Buttigieg
Member of Parliament - Malta
Nota lill-edituri
Il-Grupp tal-PPE huwa l-akbar grupp politiku fil-Parlament Ewropew b'188 Membru mill-Istati Membri kollha.
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