Għażel pajjiż
Agħżel il-pajjiż tiegħek biex issegwi l-aħbarijiet mill-MPE lokali tiegħek:
Il-pajjiżi ta' hawn taħt ma jippubblikawx kontenut bil-lingwa tiegħek. Agħżel il-pajjiż jekk trid issegwi aħbarijiet bl-Ingliż jew bil-lingwa(i) nazzjonali tagħhom:
X'qed tfittex?
Take a look at what we have coming up over the next seven days. Explore our EPP Group agenda and the main issues we’ll be focusing on in the week ahead: from upcoming debates in the European Parliament on important legislative and policy issues to the meetings that our Members will be attending.
Il-ġimgħa li ġejja
For the EPP Group, Europe’s fate is being decided on the battlefields of Ukraine. Europe must fully support Ukraine's victory. On Tuesday, an extraordinary plenary session with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will mark 1,000 days since Russia's full-scale invasion. "At the start of the war, President Zelensky’s decision to stay in Kyiv despite threats to his life preserved Ukraine's independence and shaped the region's future. Now, 1,000 days later, Ukraine continues its proud defence against Russian aggression. The European Parliament remains committed to uniting the West for Ukrainians' freedom and their future in NATO and the EU,” says Andrzej Halicki MEP, EPP Group Vice-Chair for Foreign Affairs.
Viċi President tal-Grupp tal-PPE
Press Officer for Foreign Affairs Working Group. National press, Polish Media. Adviser for EU-ACP JPA Parliamentary Assembly
On Wednesday, EPP Group Chairman Manfred Weber will meet the key players in Europe‘s automotive sector to discuss their needs and concerns. “Our automotive industry is Europe’s backbone. It thrives on innovation, competitiveness, and a bold global vision, not on red tape and ideological nonsense. As the EPP Group, we have no doubt that the future of mobility must take place in Europe, not China. We need a plan to ensure that car production stays in Europe. It’s good for the planet, it’s good for workers, it’s good for Europe. Competitiveness, growth, and strategic independence—that’s the road Europe must drive on. Together, we have what it takes to lead the way forward," Weber emphasises ahead of Brussels’ first Automotive Summit.
President tal-Grupp tal-PPE
Tabella tal-kontenut