“Investigate all cases of corruption and fraud, all involved in Daphne’s murder should be brought to justice” - European Parliament

29.04.2021 9:59

“Investigate all cases of corruption and fraud, all involved in Daphne’s murder should be brought to justice” - European Parliament

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Photo of Daphne Caruan Galizia
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All political groups support a resolution calling on the Maltese Government to act

The European Parliament is insisting that the Maltese Government ensures that all those involved in the murder of investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, as well as those involved in cases of corruption and money laundering which she investigated, are brought to justice. This call has been made in a resolution adopted by the European Parliament’s Plenary today, with the support of 635 MEPs, while 46 MEPs voted against. The resolution was adopted after a debate on the same topic held in the last Plenary Session in March.

In their reaction to the adoption of the resolution, the Maltese Members of the European Parliament in the Group of the European People’s Party said that the Maltese Government cannot and should not continue ignoring the calls made by the European Parliament.

The First Vice-President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola and the Quaestor of the European Parliament David Casa said, “Our message that the actions of the criminal network does not represent the true face of Malta, was heard. This is not the first time that the European Parliament is calling on the Maltese Government to take concrete action.  Prime Minister Robert Abela should now walk the talk and implement the calls of the European Parliament.”

“The resolution makes it clear that the underlying problem is not the people of Malta but the Government who, not only has high officials implicated in corruption, money laundering, heists and murders, but it is the same Government who protects those involved in such criminal acts."

The European Parliament and its Members know that these few crooks do not represent the Maltese and Gozitan families and businesses. MEPs are on the side of the people, and want full justice, all the truth and those responsible to be held accountable. Everybody wants justice to be served. Everyone, except those few involved in such cases and those who are going an extra mile to defend and protect them,” Roberta Metsola and David Casa said.

The Partit Nazzjonalista MEPs also spoke about the importance of having a free media, with journalists protected, to be able to investigate corruption, and reveal the truth. “Journalists will only be protected if their work is truly investigated by the institutions, and that those involved in corruption and money laundering cases face justice. It is only when the institutions ignore journalists’ work when the same journalists are placed at risk. We will continue to work, both at a national but also at a European level, to introduce the necessary legislation which protects journalists from threats and attacks."

Note to editors

The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 178 Members from all EU Member States

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