Spirit Drinks: EU Commission must amend definition for Absinthe

13.03.2013 13:30

Spirit Drinks: EU Commission must amend definition for Absinthe

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The European Parliament has called on the European Commission to amend the draft definition of the alcoholic beverage Absinthe. MEPs endorsed a request of rejection drafted by EPP Group MEP Horst Schnellhardt. "I am glad that the House has used its powers of control and rejected this Commission draft. As Rapporteur for the Spirit Drinks Regulation, I must emphasise the importance of keeping a high level of consumer protection and fair competition", said Schnellhardt.

"Two aspects of the draft definition are unacceptable: The proposed high content level of anise would force many producers of Absinthe to change their traditional distilling procedures. Besides, it is impossible to justify a minimum level for thujon, which is an Absinthe ingredient substance that qualifies as concerning. This clearly goes against the European approach on consumer and health protection. I welcome that the gist of the Spirit Drinks Regulation has been kept by the Plenary", he said.

The European Commission now has to work on a new draft definition. "We need a European definition for Absinthe. The Commission ought to now be able to present a new version on the basis of the proposals adopted today", concluded Schnellhardt.

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