Born in 1946. Pomorskie Region. MA in mechanical engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology. Researcher and lecturer at Gdańsk University of Technology. Managerial post at the Gdańsk Ship Design and Research Centre (1972-1982)-dismissed for refusing to sign loyalty declaration during period of martial law; Mayor of Sopot (1992-1998). Under-Secretary of State-Deputy Head of the Department of Physical Education and Sport (1998-2001). Leader of the Pomorskie Provincial Executive (2002-2010).One of the founders of the Solidarność at the Gdańsk Ship Design and Research Centre (1980). Member of the PO party since 2001. Leader of the PO for the Pomorskie region (2003-2010). Member of the Committee of the Regions (2010). Chairman of the Polish Rugby Association. MEP since 2010.