former EPP Group MEP

Profile picture of Iosif MATULA

How to contact me ?


former EPP Group MEP

ASP 05F255 (Altiero Spinelli)
Parlement européen
60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60
B-1047 Bruxelles / Brussel

+32 (0)2 28 45589


LOW T08046 (Louise Weiss)
Parlement européen
Allée du Printemps
BP 1024/F
F-67070 Strasbourg cedex

+33 (0)3 88 1 75589


Born in 1958. Master´s Degree in Management and Financing of Public Administration, Aurel Vlaicu University; Bachelor´s Degree in Chemistry and Physics, "Babes-Bolyai" University in Cluj Napoca;  Appraisal Expert Degree, ANEVARPresident of Regional Council Arad (2005 - 2008), Vice-President of Regional Council Arad (2008 - 2009),  President of CRESC 2007 - 2008, Member in the Monitoring Committee of the Regional Operational Program  (2007 - 2008), President of the Public Order Authority in Arad (2005 - 2008). Vice Mayor of Chisineu-Cris (2000 - 2004). High school Professor (1991 - 2004). Chemist Engineer CPL Oradea (1985 - 1991). Vice-President of the Arad County Organization of the Democratic-Liberal Party. MEP since 2009.

My work in the European Parliament

Follow the links below to see my activities on the parliamentary website