Born in 1965. South (Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia). Degree in "Law", Università "La Sapienza" of Rome, 1989. Degree in "Interpreter and Translator", School for Interpreters and Translators of Rome, 1988. Lawyer. Since 1994 in the CCD Party and since 2002 in the UDC party. 2004-2007 Responsible for UDC party of the Justice sector. 2005-2007 Vice Secretary of UDC party. 2006-2008 Member of the Italian Parliament for UDC party. 2002-2008 Member of the National Board of UDC party.2009 Member of the National Board of PDL party.Responsible for legal affairs(minors and families) for PDL party. MEP since 2009.