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26.11.2014 10:09
Birth of European federation " One of Us" announced in Strasbourg
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Views expressed here are the views of the national delegation and do not always reflect the views of the group as a whole
European Citizens´ Initiative “ONE OF US” is well known at the European Parliament as the first initiative in number of signatures collected and number of countries supporting it. The indignation expressed by the organizers regarding the European Commission Report of 27th May, rejecting the petition resulted in further citizens´ action supported by several Members of the European Parliament. Therefore the realization of the objective is entrusted into a new born European federation “One of Us” that will act further, beyond the submission of the 2.000.000 signatures: it becomes a permanent structure present in Brussels to ensure that attention to the human life protection is not diverted.
“I welcome this remarkable follow up of the One of Us petition and fully support further citizens´ involvement in shaping EU policies. Human dignity mustn´t be compromised”, stressed Miroslav Mikolášik (EPP/SK), Chairman of the EPP Working Group on Bioethics and Human Dignity during the press conference. "One Of Us initiative proved that millions of Europeans desire respect for right to life and want to live in the civilization of life. Work of One of Us must proceed. Undermining the right to life of unborn is radical violation of non-discrimination principle, relied upon by the European Union", added Marek Jurek (ECR/PL). In attendance were several MEPs including Peter Liese (EPP/DE) and former MEPs Carlo Casini and Jaime Mayor Oreja.
The European federation “One of Us” is a historical step forward to defense of the life in Europe. Uniting forces with clear target to fight for the defense of any and all human life, 25 European entities have established the European Federation "One of Us". The new Federation pursues the following non-profit purposes: Firstly, the unconditional recognition of the inherent and inalienable human dignity as a source of human freedoms and citizen’s rights. As such it should be inviolable and protected by all the public authorities. Secondly, the development of a culture of life in Europe, through promoting and supporting of activities that involve the advocacy of human life, particularly in its most vulnerable stages of development (conception and gestation, childhood, maternity, illness, disability, old age and end of life).
The European Federation “One of Us” will celebrate its foundation at the General Assembly in Madrid this week November 28th and 29th.
former EPP Group MEP
former staff member
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