Romania is in full solidarity with the French Nation, with whom we are connected in so many ways

14.11.2015 20:25

Romania is in full solidarity with the French Nation, with whom we are connected in so many ways

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Views expressed here are the views of the national delegation and do not always reflect the views of the group as a whole
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"In these difficult times for France and for the whole Europe, Romania is in full solidarity with the French Nation, with whom we are connected in so many ways.

We’ve all witnessed the tragic events from Paris, which once again have set Europe’s heart in mourning. There are no words to express the horror and anger we all feel in front of such actions, conducted by people that only find pleasure in the suffering of others.

The amplitude and pattern of what happened last night, just a day after the similar events from Lebanon, proves the cold blood and desperation of those that wish for a whole continent to crumble under the threat of terror, hatred, fear and war.

Facing these realities, Romania cannot be otherwise than beside the French Nation to show its full availability, through concrete actions, in bringing its support and contribution to the fight against terrorism, anarchy, hatred and intolerance. Romania have had partnerships with France, our countries have always been close, and in the time of despair, this relation becomes even stronger.

It is time for Europe to realize that walls can’t protect it in front of today’s enemies and that the war of hatred and terror has come upon us. Europe has a primordial duty in protecting its own citizens as well as a moral one in protecting the innocent and contributing to the creation of world of peace and prosperity well beyond its borders.

Yesterday’s event is a wakeup call. Europe must concentrate its efforts and resources to bring back the peace and security within its borders. It is time for the Old World to show its vigour and to focus its energies towards protecting the legacies of extraordinary culture and values. In the same time, with the struggle of finding a proper answer to the migration crisis, Europe must find the right answer to its own problems and vulnerabilities that are threatening its citizens, to show responsibility and solidarity to them now, more than ever.

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