Religious extremism and terror poses an increasing threat to our own security

13.03.2015 8:46

Religious extremism and terror poses an increasing threat to our own security

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Views expressed here are the views of the national delegation and do not always reflect the views of the group as a whole
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Ramona Manescu, member of AFET Committee, spoke on the Annual Report from the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy to the European Parliament.

The MEP highlighted the consequences of the deterioration of the peaceful climate in the European Union proximity.

The security situation around the EU is increasingly grave, both to the East, with regard to Ukraine and Russia, and to the South, where terrorism is spiraling out of control. This is a serious challenge for EU foreign policy and we must respond effectively and strategically without losing sight of our core European values. Everything we do must foster democracy and the rule of law as well as human rights for all Ramona Manescu

Underlining the need to focus attention on the Union's vital role in bringing peace and stability to the Middle East and in helping to promote the development of functional and inclusive states, the MEP reminded that religious extremism and terror are not only costing thousands of lives in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere but pose an increasing threat to our own national security.

I would like to welcome the good cooperation of Ms. Mogherini with the EU Coordinator on security and I do believe that a better coordination among us will bring a more efficient European Foreign and Security Policy”, added Ramona Manescu.

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