PNR: Citizens Security above political ambitions

17.02.2015 11:49

PNR: Citizens Security above political ambitions

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Views expressed here are the views of the national delegation and do not always reflect the views of the group as a whole
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Any supporter of the liberal values is entitled to question the policies that may have an adverse effect on civil liberties. However, there are times when every one of us must be prepared to make small sacrifices for a just cause.

The current fight against terrorism, particularly that stemming from radical Islamist groups, is such a cause. Our duty must be to prevent terrorism rather than reacting to it after it has already happened.

Terrorism can be defeated in two ways:

  • In the longer-term we must look at the socio-economic factors that are creating an environment within which so many young, disillusioned people are succumbing to the call of Jihad. I believe this is based in economic hardship and a lack of opportunity that can only be resolved through huge investment in infrastructure and education.
  • However, in the short-term we must defeat terrorists on the ground. It is clear that a significant number of trained fighters are crossing borders across the EU to carry out acts of violence. We have to do what is necessary to counter this.

That is why I believe we must support the EU Passenger Name Record in order to improve information exchange and step-up border controls.

It is clear that some of my European Parliament colleagues are trying to obstruct this process. This is not a time to score political points on populist grounds, but for a unified response to a very real threat to our peace and security.

Now is the time when the European Parliament shall stand firmly against terrorists and act cohesively and decisively. Every one of us remembers the terrible scenes witnessed within EU borders at the hands of terrorists, including London, Madrid, Bruxelles, Paris or Copenhagen. Our primary concern at this stage must not be about political ambitions, but the security of the European citizens. Ramona Mănescu

Note to editors

<p>Ramona Mănescu is the Head of <span style="color:rgb(54, 54, 54)">Delegation for relations with the Mashreq countries&nbsp;as well as a substitute for the&nbsp;Delegation for relations with the Arab Peninsula. More information about our activity may be found <a href="">here</a>.</span></p>

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