European Strategy on Plastic Waste in the Environment

27.11.2013 15:15

European Strategy on Plastic Waste in the Environment

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Views expressed here are the views of the national delegation and do not always reflect the views of the group as a whole
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The Report on a European strategy on plastic waste in the environment voted today in the European Parliament’s ENVI Committee contributes to a broader reflection on the challenges posed by plastic waste.

The European Commission initiated a Green Paper acknowledging the challenges posed by plastic waste.

“I believe that this represents a good opportunity for the Parliament to emphasise its view towards plastic waste, which represents at the same time an opportunity, as it is a valuable resource, but also a challenge. It is important to better manage the way that plastic interferes with the environment and with the health of Europeans and at the same time take advantage of the fact that plastic waste could represent a benefit for the EU in terms of job creation and growth” said Oana Antonescu MEP.

This new policy would look into various aspects of how to improve the management of plastic waste. There is a need for better implementation of the existing legislation and the consumer should be better involved in the process.

The follow-up to the Green Paper will be an integral part of the wider review of the waste legislation that will be completed in 2014. This review will look at the existing targets for waste recovery and landfill as well as the assessment of the five directives covering waste streams.


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