"This is about our food security in Malta” MEP Peter Agius - First Maltese MEP participating in the AGRI Committee

23.07.2024 16:53

"This is about our food security in Malta” MEP Peter Agius - First Maltese MEP participating in the AGRI Committee

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Peter Agius MEP
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"We must listen to and act upon the voices of our farmers. Today, I began my work in the Agriculture Committee of the European Parliament to better tailor the European Union's decisions to the needs of Malta and Gozo," said Dr. Agius following the first meeting of the Committee in Brussels.

"Never before has there been such a need to focus on and work toward the food security of Maltese and Gozitans. Malta must proactively participate in designing and implementing the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy to ensure it reflects the needs of Maltese families," said Dr. Peter Agius.

For the first time since Malta's membership in the European Union, Malta has a Maltese MEP as part of the Agriculture Committee in the European Parliament.

On behalf of the Nationalist Party of Malta and as a European Member of Parliament, Peter Agius is a member of this committee which started its work today during the new legislature.

Dr. Agius said that his work in this Committee will ensure that the Nationalist Party starts to fulfill its promise from the electoral manifesto for the European Elections: ensuring that the elected MEPs closely follow and work on European policies affecting food production to make them more suitable for the needs of Maltese families.

"Whoever you are, and whatever you do, at the end of the day, you need the farmer, the villager, and the fisherman. We need to take care of these sectors in Malta to keep providing us with healthy, local food. Woe to those who live on an island and do not invest in food security," concluded Dr. Agius.


Note to editors

The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 188 Members from all EU Member States

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