We fight for fair incomes for farmers

16.09.2024 16:45

We fight for fair incomes for farmers

Man in field checking corn with tablet

"The Strategic Dialogue on the Future of European Agriculture is a starting point for future discussions on agriculture, but more is needed," says MEP Herbert Dorfmann, EPP Group Spokesman on the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development. The European Parliament will discuss the conclusions of the Dialogue on Monday evening.

“The EPP Group has and will continue to fight for a fairer income and a brighter future for farmers. The fact that the Commission launched this Dialogue and its conclusions show that the EPP Group has succeeded in making the voice of farmers heard in Brussels,” Dorfmann continues.

“European farmers need a safe and secure pay cheque, a simplification of bureaucracy and a stronger position in the food supply chain to stand up to the food industry and retail giants. The EPP Group has been pushing for limiting unfair trading practices. We are pleased to see that a strengthening of these rules is now on the table."

“When it comes to trade agreements with third countries, we need to ensure a level playing field with equal rules and regulations as our trading partners. This is one of the keys to survival for farmers," Dorfmann concludes.

Note to editors

The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 188 Members from all EU Member States

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