Venezuelan opposition for Sakharov Prize!

17.09.2024 19:59

Venezuelan opposition for Sakharov Prize!

María Corina Machado and President-elect Edmundo González, on behalf of the Venezuelan people

Today, the EPP Group nominated the Venezuelan opposition leader Maria Corina Machado and the President-Elect of Venezuela, Edmundo González, for the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought.

“Awarding the Sakharov Prize to María Corina Machado and Edmundo González would be a firm message defending freedom, democracy and human rights. It would provide essential support to the Venezuelan people in their struggle against Nicolás Maduro’s totalitarian regime," said Dolors Montserrat, MEP and EPP Group Vice-Chair.

In 2023, María Corina Machado was elected as the opposition’s presidential candidate ahead of the 2024 presidential elections, but she was later disqualified from running by the Venezuelan authorities on politically motivated grounds. Despite the regime’s constant attempts to undermine the electoral process, the Venezuelan people turned out in large numbers, signalling their desire for change. Independent observers confirmed that the 2024 presidential election did not meet international standards and could not be deemed democratic. Following this, Machado was forced into hiding, fearing reprisals from the regime.

In March 2024, Edmundo González Urrutia became the opposition’s new presidential candidate and was elected President in Venezuela’s elections on 28 June 2024. However, authorities issued a warrant for his arrest, forcing him into exile.

Since 2006, the Sakharov Prize has been awarded annually by the European Parliament for outstanding contributions to the defence of human rights and freedom of thought. The Conference of Presidents of the European Parliament will select the final laureate on 24 October.

Note to editors

The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 188 Members from all EU Member States

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