Ukraine: EPP Group calls for immediate end to violence

21.01.2014 16:48

Ukraine: EPP Group calls for immediate end to violence

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A strong plea was made today to the Ukrainian authorities to immediately stop the violence on the streets of Kiev and display a real commitment to political settlement that involves respect for democracy underpinned by European Union values.

The call came from the Chairman of the EPP Group Joseph Daul MEP and the Vice-Chairwoman of the EPP Group responsible for Foreign Affairs, Mairead McGuinness MEP, who are following events very closely.

They said the latest violence was very worrying.

“The situation in the Ukraine is worsening by the day. Violence, provocations, harassment and intimidation must stop now. I am particularly alarmed by the new laws which were adopted by the Ukrainian Parliament on 16 January. Not only were these laws adopted in an appalling manner, in breach of any acceptable democratic parliamentary standards, but they restrict the fundamental freedoms of the Ukrainian citizens and are contrary to international commitments made by the Ukraine. This is a dangerous step backwards from the principles of democracy, rule of law and respect for fundamental freedoms and human rights”, said Joseph Daul.

Mairead McGuinness added: “The people on the streets need their voices to be heard by the authorities and seriously taken into consideration. Violence is not a solution to any problem. The people who have protested on the streets for over 50 days now in the freezing cold want a better future for their families. They chose a European future. They chose European standards over corruption, transparency over cronyism, development over stagnation, democracy over authoritarianism. It is high time the Ukrainian authorities started to address the concerns of their people, and not treat them as the problem.“

The European Parliament ad-hoc Delegation will travel to Kiev on 28-30 January 2014 to meet with all the relevant political actors and strongly urge them for restraint and dialogue. 


Note to editors

The EPP Group is by far the largest political group in the European Parliament with 274 Members from 27 Member States.

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