The EU needs to step up its response in Venezuela

22.01.2020 17:15

The EU needs to step up its response in Venezuela

Juan Guaido4 [nid:104881]

“The EU needs to step up its response if it really wants to contribute to the restoration of democracy in Venezuela. As a very first step, EU Member States and EU bodies should recognise the political representatives appointed by Juan Guaidó. Furthermore, the sanctions against those who are responsible for the violation of human rights and repression in Venezuela should be extended,” stated Esteban González Pons, Vice-Chair of the EPP Group.

His statement followed today’s meeting with Juan Guaidó, Speaker in the Venezuelan Parliament, which took place in the European Parliament on behalf of the EPP Group. Paulo Rangel, Vice-Chair of the EPP Group and Antonio Tajani MEP, former President of the European Parliament, also took part in the meeting.  

“Nicolas Maduro and his allies keep destroying Venezuela. They are pushing the country into a deeper economic, social and political crisis. Juan Guaidó is the only legitimate President of the National Assembly of Venezuela and the only legitimate interim President of Venezuela. We fully support him and Venezuelans in their fight to restore democracy in the country,” Esteban González Pons insisted.

Esteban González Pons recalled that the EPP Group has always - and unconditionally - defended democracy and stood with the people of Venezuela during the past 20 years of dictatorship.

He also recalled that in the recent resolution, MEPs in the European Parliament strongly condemned the attempted parliamentary coup by the Maduro regime and its allies, and their efforts to prevent the National Assembly – the only legitimate democratic body of Venezuela – from properly carrying out the constitutional mandate and re-electing Mr Guaidó as Assembly Chair.

“Respecting democratic institutions and principles and upholding the rule of law are essential conditions to find a solution to the crisis in Venezuela,” concluded González Pons. The MEP noted that the transition to democracy is only possible through stopping the usurpation and creating conditions that lead to free, transparent and credible presidential elections.

Note to editors

The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 182 Members from 26 Member States

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