Pesticides: politics must not interfere with science

06.12.2018 12:16

Pesticides: politics must not interfere with science

combine harvesters

EPP Group insists on science-based approach towards authorisation of pesticides

"We need evolution, not revolution. Even though the EU authorisation procedure is already one of the safest in the world, we can, of course, always improve it further to safeguard the highest standards for the health of our citizens, the environment and the survival of European farms", said the EPP Group's Norbert Lins MEP, ahead of the vote on the findings and recommendations of the Parliament’s Special Committee on the Authorisation Procedure for Pesticides. Lins is Parliament's co-rapporteur who drafted the recommendations jointly with Green MEP Bart Staes.

For the EPP Group, it is crucial to safeguard the value and authority of research results so that decisions are not taken based on the politics of the day and solutions are found for the placement of new and better-equipped products on the market. Both professionals and citizens depend on stable, legal and safe rules.

"Our decisions should not be inspired by ideological positions. We need to remain rational", commented Angelique Delahaye MEP, EPP Group Spokeswoman in the Special Committee, stressing that the decision-makers must nevertheless stop opposing agriculture and the environment.

"This is why we need to come up with alternative solutions before we throw the baby out with the bathwater. The agricultural sector lacks applicable economic and environmental alternatives. Some other sectors, transport for instance, depend highly on the use of pesticides", highlighted Delahaye.

Lins reiterated that one of the EPP Group’s key priorities remains making sure the authorisation procedure for plant protection products continues to rely on independent, transparent and efficient processes.

"Politics must not interfere with science", concluded Lins.

The plenary will vote on the Report in January.

Note to editors

The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 219 Members from 28 Member States