European Affairs Network: interparliamentary cooperation deepens EU democracy

05.03.2013 11:30

European Affairs Network: interparliamentary cooperation deepens EU democracy

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National and European EPP parliamentarians yesterday discussed the Multiannual Financial Framework, the reform of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy and the role of national parliaments in strengthening the democratic legitimacy of EU Interparliamentary Cooperation in the Treaty on stability, coordination and governance in the Economic and Monetary Union.

Speaking on the Multiannual Financial Framework, European Parliament Rapporteur, Reimer Böge MEP, said: "The European Parliament will now embark on substantial negotiations with the Council on the EU's next long-term budget for the period between 2014 and 2020, as foreseen by the Lisbon Treaty. We want a budget deal that is responsible, that does not create a structural deficit but offers maximum flexibility, a political agreement on an in-depth reform of the own-resources system, and a legally-binding and comprehensive revision of the budget, which preserves its unity. We can only give our green light to a final deal which meets those preconditions".

The EPP Group's position on the Common Agricultural Policy is that EU budgetary resources are vital for the policy to be successful and that European funds must be managed in a simpler, more effective manner. Its MEPs call on the European Council to allocate appropriate financial resources to the CAP so Europe can sustain a viable future for its farming and agri-food sectors.

The Vice-Chairman of the EPP Group responsible for Relations with National Parliaments, Paulo Rangel MEP, said: " With regard to the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, our vision is clear: we need a strong European agricultural policy, modern and flexible. Topics such as the reform of the CAP, the EU budget or the composition of the European Parliament for the European elections in 2014 are questions to which we - national and European parliaments - should give special attention in the actions of our governments. Parliamentary dialogue on such issues will deepen democracy".

As regards the role of national parliaments in strengthening the democratic legitimacy of the European Union under 'Interparliamentary Cooperation' in the Treaty on stability, coordination and governance in the Economic and Monetary Union, MEPs and national parliamentarians agreed that the EU needs parliamentary control over the European Council's decisions.

EPP spokesperson on constitutional affairs, Rafal Trzaskowski MEP, said: "At a time when the democratic legitimacy of European integration is being questioned, we need national parliaments and the European Parliament to cooperate closely, especially on the supervision of an Economic and Monetary Union which is currently being strengthened".

Note to editors

The EPP Group is by far the largest political group in the European Parliament with 270 Members and 3 Croatian Observer Members.

<p>Speakers at the meeting were:</p> <p><strong>Dara MURPHY MP</strong>, Chair, Committee on European Affairs, Ireland; <strong>Kazys STARKEVIČIUS MP</strong>, Former Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania; <strong>Czesław Adam SIEKIERSKI MEP</strong>, Vice-Chair, Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development; <strong>Jean BIZET MP</strong>, Vice-President, Committee on European Affairs, French Senate; <strong>Rub&eacute;n MORENO PALANQUES MP</strong>, Spokesperson for the PP parliamentary group in the Committee for the European Union, Congreso de los Diputados, Spain; <strong>Rafal TRZASKOWSKI MEP</strong>, Coordinator in the Committee on Constitutional Affairs.</p> <p>The EPP Group&#39;s EU Affairs Network assembles EPP Group Members of the European Parliament and national Members of Parliament responsible for European Affairs in their political groups. These are either the Chairs or Vice-Chairs of the national parliamentary committees dealing with EU affairs or the spokespersons for the chairs of parliamentary groups. They meet on a regular basis in Brussels. Their aim is to debate current political issues in more detail to further shape the EPP Group&#39;s mutual understanding and ways of working together.</p>

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