Human rights crucial to evaluation of new EU-Cuba agreement

20.06.2017 9:46

Human rights crucial to evaluation of new EU-Cuba agreement

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The EPP Group today recalled that the new agreement between the EU and Cuba on the Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement should contribute to the improvement of the situation and respect for human rights and must lead to a democratic transition in this country.

Members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament today backed the agreement with Cuba, signed last December by the EU Member States.

“This is an important step in relations between the EU and Cuba, which was the only country in Latin America with which the EU had not signed any type of agreement”, said Luis De Grandes MEP on behalf of the EPP Group.

"The EU must take advantage of the opportunity offered by this agreement to establish a future of hope for the new generations of Cuba", he said.

"However, respect for human rights remains a concern for the EU and in particular for the EPP Group, and therefore improvements in this area will be necessary to achieve the proper functioning of the agreement between Cuba and the EU", he added.

De Grandes underlined that the Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement with Cuba includes the so-called ‘human rights clause’, which creates clear commitments as far as respect for human rights is concerned.

The EPP Group believes that the Cuban authorities should open a democratic process which includes the liberation of all political prisoners, the full respect of human rights, the granting of the freedom of media, recognising the freedom of assembly and organising free and fair elections.

The European Parliament will vote on its final position on this agreement in the next plenary session to be held in July.

Note to editors

The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 216 Members from 27 Member States

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