Europe is not abstract, we are Europe, say EPP Chairs at summit

20.06.2016 15:30

Europe is not abstract, we are Europe, say EPP Chairs at summit

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Europe is not an abstract construct, we are Europe - and there is no cross-border problem, like migration or the fight against terrorism, which would be easier to manage without European cooperation.

This was the key message from participants at the 23rd Summit of Chairmen of EPP Parliamentary Groups in the National Parliaments and in the European Parliament.

There is no cross-border problem, like migration or the fight against terrorism, which would be easier to manage without European cooperation

The British referendum

Esther de Lange MEP, EPP Group Vice-President responsible for relations with national parliaments, highlighted: "We need to show European citizens that we are in control, that we can deliver concrete results on issues like security and migration. We are witnessing first-hand in Britain what happens when the image of an ineffective EU takes root in public debate."

We can witness first-hand in Britain what happens when the image of an ineffective EU takes root in public debate Esther de Lange

The Chairman of the EPP Group, Manfred Weber, focused on the imminent vote in the UK on their EU membership: "We are at the beginning of a week that will be remembered in the history books. Whatever the outcome of the referendum, we will respect it. In both cases, quick answers will be necessary. But if Leave wins, it is clear that the answer has to be tough. Today nobody wants to accept British cherry-picking anymore."

Today nobody wants to accept British cherry-picking anymore Manfred Weber

A holistic migration policy

Italian Minister of the Interior, Angelino Alfano, appealed to his colleagues for a holistic migration policy to demonstrate European effectiveness. "Once external borders are effectively guarded and hotspots and relocation are carried out as promised, all our energy needs to be focussed on agreeing with third countries that they take back migrants who do not have any asylum prospects on our continent. Returns should now be our principle priority." Belgian Minister of Justice Koen Geens also contributed to the lively meeting by underlining the importance of a common European agenda on security.

Once external borders are effectively guarded and hotspots and relocation are carried out as promised, returns should now be our principle priority Angelino Alfano

Throughout the meeting there were in-depth debates on the politics of hate and the inaccurate image of Europe that is often portrayed by opponents of the EU.

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