EU Budget: tomorrow's vote crucial for EU recovery

11.12.2012 11:30

EU Budget: tomorrow's vote crucial for EU recovery

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"The approval of the Budget should be read as a signal of recovery from the crisis and commitment by the Institutions to the EU's citizens. A positive vote by MEPs in plenary tomorrow will secure the stability of EU financing. It is crucial to underline the added value of the EU budget - €1 invested in cohesion policy results in a return of €2.1. By 2020, the same return is estimated at €4.2 per Euro invested", said Giovanni La Via MEP, Rapporteur on the EU Budget for 2013.

"The European Union needs good news. The adoption of the EU Budgets for 2012 and 2013 will guarantee the financial stability for millions of EU funds' beneficiaries. The extra money will also help maintain the Erasmus Programme for students. The EU must continue to generously fund programmes supporting entrepreneurship, innovation and education - these are tools that stimulate growth and employment in Europe", said Sidonia Jędrzejewska MEP, EPP Group Vice-Coordinator in the Budgets Committee.

The final vote of the European Parliament on the draft amending budget for 2012 and the new general budget of the EU for 2013 will take place tomorrow 12 December at 12.30 hrs.


Note to editors

The EPP Group is by far the largest political group in the European Parliament with 270 Members and 3 Croatian Observer Members.

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