EU Budget: crucial European programmes saved

04.12.2012 15:30

EU Budget: crucial European programmes saved

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Agreement on the 2012 amending Budget and on the 2013 Budget reached. First green light by EP Budgets Committee.

"With support for the amending budget number 6 and for the 2013 budget we can resume the correct implementation of European policies. We have managed to avoid discontinuing many European programmes, such as Erasmus, research programmes and programmes for small and medium-sized enterprises, the loss of which generated great concern among citizens and businesses in Europe," said Giovanni La Via MEP, Rapporteur on the EU Budget for 2013.

Today's approval is an important political signal, representing the willingness of the European Parliament's Budgets Committee to accept the Dab/6-budget 2013 'package', ensuring for the EU all necessary resources to successfully implement its policies.

The Committee on Budgets has indicated its support for the EU budgetary package for 2012 and 2013 (with 29 votes in favour, 10 against, no abstentions) and will formally confirm this agreement next Monday in Strasbourg. On Wednesday, all MEPS will vote in plenary.

"The 6 billion Euros agreed are needed to complete 2012 payments, as well as the commitment to a 2013 budget that can guarantee investment for growth and creating jobs through the provision of additional funds by the Council during 2013 wherever there is a need, as we strongly requested and achieved during the negotiations," said Giovanni La Via MEP.

"This is a positive decision for the beneficiaries of the European Union's budget. Now, the European Commission will be able to pay 6.1 out of 9 billion EUR of the bills submitted additionally in 2012 by local authorities, scientists, NGOs and businesses. This additional money will also keep the Erasmus exchange programme for students afloat. Moreover, the stability of the EU budget for 2013 has been secured and the provisional twelfths avoided, which was the main concern of the EPP Group in the European Parliament," said Sidonia Jędrzejewska, EPP Group Vice-Coordinator in the Budgets Committee.


Note to editors

The EPP Group is by far the largest political group in the European Parliament with 270 Members and 3 Croatian Observer Members.

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