EPP Group ready to step up work on Health, Defence, Democracy, and Housing

The EPP Group supports and welcomes the creation of four new Parliamentary Committees later today. The new Committees are a response to new geopolitical challenges and the expectations of many European citizens.
A Standing Committee on Security and Defence, a Standing Committee on Public Health, a Special Committee on the European Democracy Shield and a Special Committee on the Housing Crisis will be established today. They are expected to start their work at the end of January 2025.
"By creating a fully-fledged Public Health Committee, we are signalling that health is a top priority for the EU. Building a European Health Union means ensuring equal access to treatments and medicines for all citizens, wherever they live. Through innovation, fair access, sound financing, and cross-border collaboration, we can deliver the healthcare that every European deserves. Health is not a cost — it is an investment," underlined Tomislav Sokol MEP, the EPP Group’s Spokesman in the Parliament’s Sub-Committee on Public Health, which will be upgraded by today’s decision.
"I am delighted to see that the first pillar of European Defence —its institutional foundation— is taking shape. The European Commission now has its first Defence and Space Commissioner, supported by a fully-fledged Parliamentary Committee that ensures oversight of this crucial work," said Nicolás Pascual de la Parte MEP, the EPP Group’s Spokesman in the Parliament’s Sub-Committee on Security and Defence, which will also be upgraded today.
”We have repeatedly seen foreign states trying to influence democratic processes in the EU and individual EU countries. As a Union, we need to discuss how we can adapt our legislation to resist these threats and defend the values on which our Union is built," stressed Tomas Tobé MEP on the new Committee on the European Democracy Shield. Tobé is the EPP Group’s Vice-President responsible for Legal and Home Affairs.
“Although housing is a national competence, EU policies influence the construction of houses and living conditions. The new Housing Committee gives the Parliament the tools to respond to the housing challenges facing people across Europe. From the availability of building materials and strict state aid rules to public procurement rules and spatial planning, the European Parliament must contribute to solving this crisis that is felt everywhere in Europe,” said Dirk Gotink MEP.
The list of members of the new Committees will be finalised during the January plenary session. The constitutive meetings are scheduled for Week 5 of 2025.
Note to editors
The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 188 Members from all EU Member States
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