Cultural and creative industries - the most promising sectors in Europe!

12.09.2013 10:41

Cultural and creative industries - the most promising sectors in Europe!

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"The future of the European economy rests in the cultural and creative sectors", explained Marie-Thérèse Sanchez-Schmid MEP, following the adoption by a large majority (481 in favour, 83 against) of her Report on the cultural and creative sectors at today's plenary session of the European Parliament.

"The numbers don’t lie: with €800 billion per year - 4.5% of GDP- and more than 8 million jobs, the cultural and creative sectors represent a significant potential for growth and employment, which is reinforced by the distribution possibilities offered by the digital era", stated Marie-Thérèse Sanchez-Schmid.

"With an exponential growth over the last twenty years, not only are these sectors growing despite the crisis, proving that they are more resistant than the rest of the European economy, but they also promote social cohesion and influence within the European Union. They encourage innovation, competitiveness, and social inclusion, as well as offering more open education to Europe and the world", said the MEP.

"It is therefore essential to input a dynamic to boost the development of cultural and creative industries in Europe", continued Marie-Thérèse Sanchez-Schmid. "This requires setting up regulatory frameworks on competition through appropriate taxation, the introduction of new financial instruments, but also the training of professionals, better circulation of European cultural works, cultural heritage numeration, translation, dubbing and subtitling, new business models, the protection of copyright, the protection of intellectual property and an attractive legal offer", she said.

For Marie-Thérèse Sanchez-Schmid, the European Union must continue its investment efforts in these sectors: “Investments in cultural and creative sectors have a levy effect, like, for example, with the European capitals of culture. Closer cooperation between culture, education, the economic sector, tourism and spatial planning is thus necessary”, she underlined.

“The cultural and creative sectors have real value for society as a whole, and Europe’s digital future depends on them. Faced with the challenge of globalisation, Europe can benefit from these sectors in terms of exports, and towards our competitors, maintaining and developing these sectors’ competitiveness will ensure their access to international markets as well as attract and develop creative talents.”

“In an economic context which is still fragile, Europe must promote both the cultural and creative sectors while at the same time taking into account their specificity, valorise their added value, and help these sectors to best develop growth and jobs in Europe. They can contribute to getting Europe out of the crisis, in particular for young people. This is the main message that the European Parliament is sending by adopting my Report”, concluded Marie-Thérèse Sanchez-Schmid.

Note to editors

The EPP Group is by far the largest political group in the European Parliament with 275 Members from 27 Member States.

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