former EPP Group MEP

How to contact me ?
ASP 05F266 (Altiero Spinelli)
Parlement européen
60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60
B-1047 Bruxelles / Brussel
LOW T10041 (Louise Weiss)
Parlement européen
Allée du Printemps
BP 1024/F
F-67070 Strasbourg cedex
Born in 1955. Ljubljana. MBA at IEDC, 1996. Engineer of electronics, 1989. Informatics and organization, 1979. CEO of Esotech - Environmental Engineering company, 1992-2007. President of Commercial Ecological cluster of Slovenia, 2004-2007. Member of Executive Board, Managers Association Slovenia and Board for Chamber of Commerce, SAŠA region. President of football team Šmartno ob Paki, 1997-2000. President of Society for preservation of Smrekovec, Natura 2000, 2004. Minister of Health of Slovenia, 2007 - 2008. Presidency to the EU Health Ministers Committee, 2008. Member of Executive Board in Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS), 2008-. President to the Board of Economics and Board of Health in SDS, 2008-2011. Member of Ljubljana City Council, 2010-2011. Autobiography “Simple philosophies for tough times,” 2007. Award for transfer of knowledge to business Jožef Stefan Institute Ljubljana, 2002. Business woman of the year, 2006. Award for Project Management, 2007. MEP since 2011.
My work in the European Parliament
Follow the links below to see my activities on the parliamentary website