Michael GAHLER


Michael GAHLER

How to contact me ?

Michael GAHLER

Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands

Parlement européen
60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60
B-1047 Bruxelles / Brussel

+32 (0)2 28 45977


Parlement européen
Allée du Printemps
BP 1024/F
F-67070 Strasbourg cedex

+33 (0)3 88 1 75977


Born in 1960. Hesse. 1979-1980, army service in Koblenz. 1981-1990, law studies in Mainz and Dijon, probationary period in Frankfurt, Hochheim and Brussels. 1990-1991, diplomatic training at German Foreign Office (FO), in Bonn. 1991-1993, FO desk officer for international environmental politics. 1993-1995, desk officer, CDU Office for external relations. 1995-1999, FO desk officer for Baltic States and the Council of Baltic Sea States. Local mandates: 1986-1989, member, Hattersheim City Council. 1989-2001, Member, Main-Taunus District Council. Member of the Junge Union (JU) 1978-1996: Chairman at local, district and regional levels. Member, JU-Hesse State Board and JU International Commission. CDU member since 1981. Delegate to EPP-Congress since 1995. MEP since 1999.

My Positions in Parliament :

  • Vice-Chair - Africa-EU
  • Vice-Chair - OACPS-EU
  • Coordinator - Foreign Affairs
  • Member - Intergroup on Sky and Space
  • Member - Intergroup on European Cultural Heritage, Ways of Saint James and other European Cultural Routes
  • Member - Intergroup on Sustainable, Long-Term Investments and Competitive European Industry
  • Member - Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands
  • Member - South Africa
  • Member - Foreign Affairs
  • Member - European Parliament
  • Substitute - Pan-African Parliament
  • Substitute - Security and Defence
  • Substitute - Transport and Tourism

My Positions in the Group :

  • Member - Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)
  • Member - EPP Group Bureau

My work in the European Parliament

Follow the links below to see my activities on the parliamentary website

Recent activities