Kinga GÁL
Parlement européen
60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60
B-1047 Bruxelles / Brussel
Parlement européen
Allée du Printemps
BP 1024/F
F-67070 Strasbourg cedex
In 2009 as a candidate of Fidesz – the Hungarian Civic Party I was elected for the second time to become a Member of the European Parliament. As a member of the Hungarian Delegation of the European People’s Party my main responsibilities remained the issues on civil liberties, justice and home affairs, added to which I am also responsible for the Hungarian kin-state policy and for the representation of the interests of the Hungarian minority communities living outside of Hungary and outside of the European Union.
Whether we have succeeded in clearing the tiny, blurred picture painted by the Union about the Hungarian communities, their problems and the solution of those – well, my answer is definitely positive. Whether we have been successful in representing at the Union’s level the interests of the Hungarian people – again, I say yes, we have been. That the Union may help us enforce our interests, that a strong Union strengthens us, as well, is true. We should bear in mind, however, that it is not going to solve our problems instead of us. We cannot blame the Union for the questions which are not handled correctly by the governments, for wrecking the future of the traditional national minorities instead of ensuring a safe haven for it.One swallow does not make a summer, but many a swallow does gruelling work amongst us, and others help with good will or empathy to enhance the spring. This builds up most of our parliamentary work: finding partners, cooperation and the empathy felt towards each other in any corner of Europe.
Born on 6 September 1970, Kolozsvár (Romania)European Parliament, Member (2004-2009, 2009-) in the Group of the European People's Party on behalf of the Fidesz-Magyar Polgári Szövetség, Hungary
- Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, Vice-Chair
- Committee on Foreign Affairs, Substitute- Subcommittee on Human Rights, Member
- Minority Intergroup, Vice-Chair
- Delegation for relations with Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo, Member- Delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly, Substitute- Delegation for relations with India, Substitute
Education:- Eötvös Loránd University, Political Science and Law Department (1994);- Institute for Comparative Human Rights, Strasbourg, Diploma of International Human Rights (1993);
Professional experience:- Chief advisor to the President, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2003-2004);- European Centre for Minority Issues - international legal expert (1997-2000, Flensburg, Germany);- Government Office for Hungarian Minorities Abroad - analyst (1995), Vice-Chairman (2001-2002);- Teleki Foundation - researcher (1996);- Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania - advisor (1991-1994).
Languages:Mother tongue: HungarianFluent: English, German, RomanianIntermediate: French
Marital status:Married with four children
- Traditional Minorities, National Communities and Languages – the issues raised in the European Parliament Intergroup 2009-2011 (Co-author: Davyth Hicks, Eplényi Kata), Published by Kinga Gál, Brussels, December 2011,
- Az európai kulturális sokszínűség régi és új arcai,in: Örökség a jövőnek - Nemzetközi Konferencia, Magyar Országgyűlés, 2010. november 25, előadások, Budapest, 2011
- National Minorities in Inter-State Relations: Commentary from Country Perspective, in: National Minorities in Inter-State Relations, edited by Francesco Palermo - Natalie Sabandze, Leiden, Boston, 2011,
- The European Parliament Intergroup for Traditional Minorities, National Communities and Languages, 2009–2014,in: Europäisches Journal für Minderheitenfragen, EJM 3–4 (2010).
- Minority Governance at the Threshold of the 21st Century (ed.), ECMI, Flensburg - Open Society Institute, Budapest, October 2002.
- Staatsangehörigkeit in Ungarn heute, in: Osteuropa, Zeitschrift für Gegenwartsfragen des Ostens,52.Jg., 6/2002, Deutsche Verlags Anstalt Stuttgart, 2002.
- Aktuelle Autonomiekonzepte ungarischer Minderheiten in Ostmitteleuropa,in: Adriányi, Glassl, Völkl, Borbándi, Brunner, Ungarn-Jahrbuch, Zeitschrift für die Kunde Ungarns und verwandte Gebiete, München, 2002.
- Legal and Political Aspects of Protecting Minorities in Southeastern Europe in the Context of European Enlargement,in: Wim van Meurs, Beyond EU Enlargement, Bertelsmann Foundation Publishers, Gütersloh, 2001.
- The Council of Europe's Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and its Impact on Central and Eastern Europe,in: Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe, Winter 2000.
- The New Slovak language law: Internal or External Politics?(Co-author: Farimah Daftary), ECMI Working Paper # 8, pp. 71, Flensburg, September 2000.
- Innere Selbstbestimmung - Aktuelle Autonomiekonzepte der Minderheiten in Rumanien, in: Löwe, Tontsch und Troebst, Minderheiten, Regionalbewusstsein und Zentralismus in Ostmitteleuropa, Böhlau Verlag Köln Weimar Wien, 2000.
- Minoritätenprobleme in Ungarn und Rumänien, in: Neuss, Beate, Peter Jurczek and Wolfram Hilz (eds.) Transformationsprozesse im suedlichen Mitteleuropa - Ungarn und Rumänien. Beiträge zu einem politik- und regional-wissenschaftlichen Symposium an der TU Chemnitz. Occasional papers no. 20, Tuebingen: Europäisches Zentrum für Föderalismus- Forschung, pp. 31-41, 1999.
- The role of the bilateral treaties in the protection of national minorities in Central and Eastern Europe,Helsinki Monitor, Quarterly on Security and Cooperation in Europe, Volume 10 No.3, pp. 73-90, 1999.
- Implementing the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities(Co-author: María Amor Martín Estébanez), Flensburg, Germany, 12-14 June 1998. ECMI Report #3, pp.96, August 1999.
- Bilateral Agreements in Central and Eastern Europe: A New Inter-State Framework for Minority Protection?,ECMI Working Paper # 4, pp. 22, Flensburg, May 1999.
- A Román Parlament elé terjesztett kisebbségi törvény-tervezetek összehasonlítása,Magyar Kisebbség, III. évfolyam, 1-2 szám, pp. 244-255, Kolozsvár, 1997.
- Kisebbségvédelem a nemzetközi jogban,Magyar Kisebbség-, II évfolyam, 1-2 szám, Kolozsvár, 1996.
- Önrendelkezés és önkormányzatiság Kossuth felfogásában,1861, Pro Minoritate, Budapest, 1991.
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