former EPP Group MEP

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ASP 14E201 (Altiero Spinelli)
Parlement européen
60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60
B-1047 Bruxelles / Brussel
LOW T09028 (Louise Weiss)
Parlement européen
Allée du Printemps
BP 1024/F
F-67070 Strasbourg cedex
Born in 1954. Odense, Funen. Bendt Bendtsen was Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Economic and Business Affairs in Denmark from November 2001 until September 2008. Conservative Party Chairman from November 2000 to September 2008. Member of the Danish Parliament 1994-2009. From 2005 to 2006 Vice President in the Danish Globalisation Council. Vice President of the International Democratic Union from 2005. Before being elected to the Danish Parliament, he worked in the police force from 1975 to 1999. Commander's Cross, 1st degree of the Order of Dannebrog. MEP since 2009.
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