Antanas GUOGA
former EPP Group MEP

How to contact me ?
Antanas GUOGA
WIE 05U015 (Wiertz)
Parlement européen
50, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 50
B-1047 Bruxelles / Brussel
LOW T11016 (Louise Weiss)
Parlement européen
Allée du Printemps
BP 1024/F
F-67070 Strasbourg cedex
Antanas Guoga is a Lithuanian politician and philanthropist, entrepreneur and former professional poker player. Born in 1973, in Lithuania, Antanas moved to Australia at the age of 11.
1989-1992 - Assistant to the CEO of 'Australian Mortgage Brokers', Australia. 1993-1995 - Associate of Hong Kong investment bank CitiBank, Hong Kong. 1995-2003 - Investor in various digital businesses. 2003-2012 - European and Asian professional poker champion.
Business accomplishments: 2003 - Founder of Tony Resort 4-star Hotel, Lithuania. 2005 - Investor in life insurance company Rate Detective, Australia. 2012 - Founder of TonyBet, TonySports and TonyStreets, Lithuania. 2016 onwards - Public CIO to the Mayor of Vilnius, Remigijus Šimašius. 2016 onwards - Associate professor at Vilnius University, Economics faculty.
Other honorary accomplishments: 2011 - award for the Lithuanian of the World. 2012- Lithuanian Olympic Attaché in London Olympics. 2011-2015 - Vice-President of the Lithuanian Basketball Federation. 2014 onwards - Vice-President of the Lithuanian Rowing Federation. 2015 - Honorary Doctorate at Lithuanian Sports University. 2015 - POLITICO 28 list (28 people from the European Union’s 28 Member States who are transforming European politics). 2016 - POLITICO 40 list (the list of the most influential MEPs in the European Parliament). 2016 - Coder Dojo and entrepreneurship education and e-skills ambassador for Lithuania. MEP since 2014.
My work in the European Parliament
Follow the links below to see my activities on the parliamentary website