Born in 1957. South (Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia). Businessman/Entrepreneur.Certificate of Studies in building surveillance (1976). Since 1979, Member of the Christian Democrats (DC), responsible for the regional Youth Movement; Member of the Regional Secretariat of the UDC Party; member of the National Directorate of the UDC Party. Local administrator of the Local Council of Venafro (Isernia) (1983-1995). Regional Counsellor of the Italian region of Molise (1995-2006); Vice President of the Regional Council; Councillor responsible for budget, transport, agriculture and economic activities in the region of Molise; Vice President of the Regional Council.Vicepresident of the Committee on Industry and Energy of the European Parliament in the sixth legislature.Treasurer of the PDL Delegation at the European Parliament. MEP since 2006.