Investing in the future
Young people are the drivers of our future growth. We want to empower them to become more and more entrepreneurial and innovative.
Young people are engaged and passionate. According to the European Commission, 150,000 young people and youth workers participate every year in more than 8000 pan-European projects, in what is known as the non-formal education sector. From protecting the environment in Greece, to supporting disabled youth in Slovakia or creating a coding academy in France. To drive this engagement, the EPP Group has promoted programmes like the European Solidarity Corps.
We have also continuously fought for adequate funding for all youth-related policies, from those that cut youth unemployment to the most popular youth programme to date: Erasmus+. We have made a substantial investment both in young people and in Europe's future with our blueprint DiscoverEU initiative, that kicked off in 2018 and is tailor-made to reinforce the main aim of the EU: bringing people together.
Empowering young entrepreneurs
We consider investment in education and life-long learning essential priorities if we want to offer young Europeans better prospects and build a more dynamic, innovative and competitive economy.
The EPP Group wants to unleash the innovative power of young entrepreneurs. If Europe does not want their best brains to leave, while the rest watch their hopes of a job disappear when our companies move outside the EU, we need to emphasise entrepreneurship in training and education projects. Young people must also be able to take full advantage of the Digital Single Market to find and create high-quality jobs. We want to free start-ups from unnecessary bureaucracy so young entrepreneurs can focus on what they do best: innovate!