Chisinau: Moldova on the right path to European integration

22.04.2013 19:00

Chisinau: Moldova on the right path to European integration

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 The vice-president of the European Parliament, Jacek Protasiewicz MEP, and the head of the European Parliament’s Delegation for relations with the Republic of Moldova, Monica Macovei MEP visited Chisinau this weekend.

“We care much about what happens in Chisinau. A pro-European government must be voted as soon as possible. Political crisis must finish; we have to get back to work. Until the end of the year “work" should be the common denominator thus enabling Moldovan authorities to be ready on time and initialise the Association Agreement, the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area and to get the green light for the visa liberalization. I urge all politicians in the Republic of Moldova to place the national interest above any other party or personal interest” said Macovei MEP.

Protasiewicz MEP also underlined the opportunity Moldovans face and should not waste: "I hope that our visit and talks with pro-European politicians will encourage them to reengage into negotiations with each other as soon as possible and to create a new pro-European democratic alliance. Today is a good momentum for Moldova to deepen its relations with the European Union and Moldovan politicians cannot allow losing this chance. The Association Agreement, its initializing and signature is not only a political goal per se, but, first of all, it is aimed at benefitting Moldovan people by bringing them closer to the EU and granting them a free access to EU countries, for instance, via visa liberalisation Action Plan".

Background:The EU is negotiating a new Association Agreement with the Republic of Moldova since January 2010. The negotiations are now in the end phase and we encourage the current pace, in order to sign the agreement at the Vilnius Eastern Partnership Summit 28-29 November 2013. We remain committed to make the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius a success.

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