The European Parliament in Strasbourg adopted the new framework regulation integrating business statistics (FRIBS). Ten legal acts have been replaced by a single document - which is probably the biggest simplification of EU legislation! The new provisions will come into force on 1st January 2021. Janusz Lewandowski was the author of the report and the main negotiator of the European Parliament.
- Replacing ten legal acts by one is a tangible simplification, not just a declared one. It is necessary, because the European Union suffers from over-regulation and is therefore losing its competitiveness in the global world. For me, this is particularly important, because it is in line with my philosophy: as much freedom as possible, and regulation only where it protects against abuse of freedom. It has been possible to simplify EU law and, at the same time, to reduce costs for businesses and public administration. The draft regulation was prepared by the European Commission, in which I was responsible for the budget and financial programming - said Janusz Lewandowski.
- Economic statistics play a key role in decision-making process regarding market economy. Therefore, the collected data must be reliable and properly developed. The compromise reached with the Council and Eurostat guarantees high quality and confidentiality of statistical data, while protecting European entrepreneurs from excessive burdens - added Janusz Lewandowski.
On 14th March 2019, the Parliament and the Council of the European Union, after difficult negotiations, reached an agreement on the final provisions of the document. On 25 March 2019, the European Parliament's Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) adopted the text of the agreement negotiated by Janusz Lewandowski. Because the interinstitutional agreement was reached shortly before the May elections, it was only now possible to adopt the final version of the document in the plenary session. This means the formal conclusion of the legislative procedure and a possibility to implement the provisions of the regulation.
Note to editors
The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 182 Members from 26 Member States