Invitation: "We are losing our children!"

16.01.2024 10:28

Invitation: "We are losing our children!"

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Child abuse
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INVITATION: EPP Hearing on online child protection with best-selling author Silke Müller - 31 January - 14:00 to 16:00 - JAN 6Q1 (European Parliament)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

With this message, we would like to invite you to an EPP hearing entitled "We are losing our children!" which will take place on Wednesday 31 January from 2pm to 4pm at the European Parliament (JAN 6Q1) and whose main theme will be the protection of children on the Internet.

The event will focus on the Digital Services Act (DSA) and its measures to better protect children online.

In this context, we are delighted to welcome best-selling author Silke Müller ("We're losing our children!") as our keynote speaker, who will talk about the digital threats children are exposed to when they have access to smartphones. The event will also welcome Arba Kokalari, who led the negotiations on the Digital Services Act for the EPP group.

In a political debate, we will then discuss with representatives of the Commission and the platforms TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram how the law should be used to prevent illegal content that is unsuitable for minors from appearing on the platforms.

At the event, Parliament's President Roberta Metsola and EPP Group leader Manfred Weber will also give welcome speeches to underline the importance of the subject.

We would be delighted to welcome you to the European Parliament for this event. If you are interested, please register by email to

Yours sincerely,

Pascal Arimont and Andreas Schwab
Members of the European Parliament

Note to editors

The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 178 Members from all EU Member States

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