Winzig, Metsola & Weber welcome Peace Light in the European Parliament: "Peace cannot be taken for granted"

12.12.2023 8:24

Winzig, Metsola & Weber welcome Peace Light in the European Parliament: "Peace cannot be taken for granted"

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Views expressed here are the views of the national delegation and do not always reflect the views of the group as a whole

President Metsola, Chairman Weber, Vice-president Karas, Commissioner Hahn and MEP Angelika Winzig with the Peace Light from Bethlehem
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Strasbourg, 12 December 2023. "The Peace Light comes from a region of conflict and this year it reminds us even more so of the fact that peace cannot be taken for granted. In view of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine or the conflict in the Middle East, the Peace Light reminds us that the European Union was also built from the ruins of war and is now an example for freedom, democracy and the rule of law. This year, we have once again made it clear that we, in the European Parliament, stand up for peace in Europe and the world. In this spirit, I hope that peace will return to European and Israeli soil and that our Ukrainian and Israeli friends will be free from terror and aggression," said Angelika Winzig, head of the Austrian EPP delegation in the European Parliament.


We have once again made it clear that we stand up for peace in Europe and the world.
Angelika Winzig MEP


The Peace Light came from Bethlehem to the European Parliament for the 28th time. "Young people have played a major and important role in this Christmas tradition from the very beginning", explained Winzig. This year, the Peace Light was lit by a child from Bethlehem in the grotto where Jesus was born, from where it was then brought to Austria. At the invitation of Angelika Winzig, 75 pupils from Upper Austria handed over the Peace Light to the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, and the Chairman of the European People's Party in the European Parliament, Manfred Weber. The pupils accompanied the ceremony with traditional Austrian Christmas carols with instruments and a choir. The head of the Austrian EPP delegation Winzig thanked them for the successful performance and highlighted: "It makes me very proud that many young Austrians also support these values and are involved in the Peace Light project."


We welcome this Light of peace, as a reminder of the fundamental values for which we stand.
Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament


Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament, accepted the Peace Light on behalf of the EU Parliament and emphasised: "We welcome this Light of peace, as a reminder of the fundamental values for which we stand. At this time of year, we think about what brings us together, and of the values that we share as Europeans. About the meaning of Christmas and the need to shine a light through some of the darkest times we are living in. This is why the European Parliament actively supports the European Union’s efforts to promote democracy and human rights worldwide. May we continue to keep being the light."


The Peace Light ceremony here in the European Parliament is an important and welcome tradition.
Manfred Weber, EPP Group Chairman


"The European Union is the biggest peace project in our history. This is exactly what the Peace Light symbolises, and in globally challenging times like these, such a symbol is even more important. The Peace Light ceremony here in the European Parliament is an important and welcome tradition. I would like to thank Angelika Winzig and our guests from Austria for the beautiful and reflective ceremony", EPP Group Chairman Manfred Weber also underlined the importance of the Peace Light.

The pictures of the handover of the Peace Light can be downloaded here:


Note to editors

The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 178 Members from all EU Member States

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