Schuman Medal awarded to Reiner Kunze

16.05.2013 13:45

Schuman Medal awarded to Reiner Kunze

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Writer has dedicated himself to intellectual freedom in the totalitarian system of the GDR

At the EPP Group Bureau Meeting in Dresden today, the Chairman of the EPP Group, Joseph Daul MEP, and the Head of the German CDU/CSU Delegation of the EPP Group, Herbert Reul MEP, presented the Robert Schuman Medal to the writer and dissident of the former East Germany, Reiner Kunze.

The philosopher and journalist caused scandal in the former GDR again and again with releases such as the publication of the poetry book ‘Sensible Way Forty-Eight Poems and a Cycle’. In 1976, he published, also in the Federal Republic, prose like ‘The wonderful years’ - later made into a movie - in which Kunze heavily criticized the GDR which got him excluded from the GDR Writers’ Association, which was tantamount to a prohibition.

Joseph Daul said: "Reiner Kunze gave a voice to people in hard times, especially with regard to the further development of Europe. We should remember the value and the power of free thought. Today it is therefore a special pleasure to honour Reiner Kunze, a poet who has fought his whole life for freedom and human rights."

"Even as a young man, Reiner Kunze fought at the University of Leipzig for intellectual freedom in the totalitarian system of the GDR and with his documentary ‘Code Name Lyric’ he made a significant contribution to helping the people understand the dark chapter in the German dictatorship. People like him remind us of our responsibility for the future of a diverse, united and free Europe", Herbert Reul said.

The EPP Group has awarded the Robert Schuman Medal since 1986 to individuals who have distinguished themselves in an outstanding manner and with personal commitment to European integration.

Note to editors

The EPP Group is by far the largest political group in the European Parliament with 269 Members and 3 Croatian Observer Members.

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