Manfred Weber and the new EPP Group leadership team elected

This morning, Manfred WEBER MEP (Germany, CSU - Christlich Soziale Union) was re-elected Chairman of the EPP Group in the European Parliament by an overwhelming majority.
Re-elected for the 4th time, he has presided over the largest political Group in European Parliament since 2014.
At the same time, the EPP Group also renewed its entire leadership team. These are the ten Vice-Chairpersons who were elected today (in alphabetical order):
- François-Xavier BELLAMY (France, Les Républicains)
- Andrzej HALICKI (Poland, Platforma Obywatelska)
- Jeroen LENAERS (Netherlands, Christen Democratisch Appèl)
- Dolors MONTSERRAT (Spain, Partido Popular)
- Siegfried MUREŞAN (Romania, Partidul Naţional Liberal)
- Lidia PEREIRA (Portugal, Partido Social Democrata)
- Massimiliano SALINI (Italy, Forza Italia)
- Tomas TOBÉ (Sweden, Moderaterna)
- Romana TOMC (Slovenia, Slovenska demokratska stranka)
- Željana ZOVKO (Croatia, Hrvatska demokratska zajednica)
Note to editors
The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 188 Members from all EU Member States
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