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22.10.2014 16:10
Hong Kong: dialogue should turn into action
"I would firstly like to express my regret that the European Union has been so silent on the situation in Hong Kong. I think we should not be shy in defending democracy in all parts of the globe. Universal suffrage has no value if the validation of candidates is extremely restricted", said the EPP Group Coordinator in the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament, Cristian Preda MEP, who opened the plenary debate on the situation in Hong Kong where, for the last two months, tens of thousands of people have been protesting daily for their democratic rights.
The Romanian MEP hopes that the demonstrations will remain peaceful and that the people will not be oppressed by the authorities who have to listen to their democratic demands: "I hope that both sides show the same restraint and avoid the use of force, which would only complicate dialogue. I believe that subsidiarity, a concept that is so dear to us in the European Union, could be useful in resolving this situation. If it is possible to find a solution at regional level by the people of Hong Kong, I do not believe that the leaders in Beijing should be the ones to make the final decision."
Antonio López-Istúriz MEP, the newly-appointed EPP Group Shadow Rapporteur on EU-China relations, stressed his priorities: “In view of the new mandate of the European Parliament and the newly-elected European Commission, EU-China relations will remain a cornerstone of the EU’s External Policy. As the EPP Group Spokesman on China, its relations with the EU and its role in the region, I will be determined to not only strengthen and enhance our relations but also to further develop our partnership in the best interests of both international actors, as well as for the international community. In the European Union, we treasure our common values for democracy and the rule of law the most. In this sense, we are looking forward to seeing constructive dialogue in order to solve the stalemate in Hong Kong.”
Note to editors
The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 220 Members from 27 Member States
former EPP Group MEP
former staff member
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