Hands off the kebab!

13.12.2017 8:49

Hands off the kebab!

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EPP Group to do everything in its power to avoid European 'kebab ban'

Today, the European Parliament will decide on whether to give the green light or not to the European Commission's proposal to authorise the use of phosphates in frozen meat spits.

"The EPP Group will do everything in its power to stop the scaremongering and avoid a European kebab ban", said Renate Sommer MEP, the EPP Group's Spokeswoman for this file, adding: "There is no proof that phosphates have negative health effects."

Phosphates are used in frozen meat in order to keep the meat together, preserve its consistency and make it tender. Ironically, they have been allowed for decades in roasted meat spits. "Without the use of phosphates, meat in fast food restaurants would collapse into the form of an elephant foot", says Sommer.

One of the reasons why the EPP Group is against the Greens' and Socialists' objection is the research which shows that "the amount of intake via kebab is negligible", as Sommer puts it. The data shows that the average intake of phosphates from Coca Cola is much higher.

"The changes in the EU legislation concerning phosphates are meant to make it more difficult for the control authorities in Member States to impose such a ban without concrete argumentation, and are hence necessary", concluded Sommer.

Note to editors

The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 217 Members from 27 Member States

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