Members of the European Parliament today adopted a Resolution promoted by the EPP Group MEP Diogo Feio, strongly condemning the unlawful seizure of power by the armed forces of Guinea-Bissau on 12 April 2012.
Guinea-Bissau is a very important issue for the international community particularly to the Portuguese-speaking countries and of great concern to the EPP Group. However, Portuguese MEP Diogo Feio said: "When I first proposed a draft text to the EPP Group, just a week after the coup d'état, I could not have imagined the path such a draft Resolution would follow. What started by being my draft text became the EPP Group's Resolution and ended up as a Joint Motion for a Resolution signed by 5 other political groups." Mr Feio gathered quite a significant number of Members of the European Parliament from various political groups to support this cause, putting the preoccupying political situation of Guinea-Bissau on the European Parliament agenda.
"Together we built a common text that unequivocally repudiates the unlawful seizure of power by the military and the self-imposed transition and appeals to the EU to stand by Guinea-Bissau's people and their legitimate representatives", highlighted Mr Feio.
Paulo Rangel MEP, Head of the Portuguese Delegation of the EPP Group, also welcomed the Resolution: "I am very happy that all the political groups supported our Resolution. First of all, this is good news for Guinea Bissau and its suffering people. As I said when I opened the last plenary debate on this issue, Guinea Bissau is waiting for action more than words. As Vice-Chairman of the EPP Group and as a Portuguese MEP, this is my commitment."
With the adoption of the Resolution, the European Parliament is asking the Commission to continue its humanitarian aid and direct support to the population of Guinea-Bissau and demands the conclusion of the electoral process, reinstating the constitutional order in this country from the African Sahel region.
Note to editors
The EPP Group is by far the largest political group in the European Parliament with 270 Members and 3 Croatian Observer Members.