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13.12.2016 13:31
Fundamental rights: a slap in the face to bare-faced populism
"This report is a good basis for guaranteeing the rights of vulnerable groups, such as people with disabilities, the elderly, minorities, children and women,” said Joszef Nagy MEP, soon after the vote on the European Parliament resolution addressing the key fundamental rights challenges in the European Union in 2015, notably in the fields of migration, protecting children and the online environment. The European Parliament approved the report by a large majority.
The Rapporteur, Mr Nagy, said that "Numerous, unsolved problems Europe-wide cause discontent among the public and fuel extremism. We call on the EU and its Member States to provide more help to those in need, show more understanding towards minorities and ensure that institutions work fairly. With regard to the security and migration crisis, we ask for reasonable solidarity and responsibility, more cooperation and effective protection of our external borders."
The resolution calls on EU governments to guarantee that reception facilities do not deprive people of their fundamental rights to dignified living conditions and to pay special attention to the needs of vulnerable groups, such as asylum seekers with special needs and women and children, in particular those who are on their own.
MEPs also include a list of measures that can protect children from trafficking and other abuses. They deplore the “increasing levels of hate speech from within certain institutions, political parties and media organisations” and call on the EU to set an example by “opposing hate speech within the institutions”.
"This report is an achievement in itself as we reached exceptional compromises. It is very difficult to find the balance between freedom and security, the border line between hate speech and freedom of speech, but we managed to define the biggest threats to democracy today,” concluded MEP Nagy.
Note to editors
The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 215 Members from 27 Member States
former EPP Group MEP
former staff member
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