Facial recognition software: regulation instead of ban

20.01.2021 8:56

Facial recognition software: regulation instead of ban

Facial recognition
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Today, the European Parliament will set out its position on the use of facial recognition technologies. The EPP Group is fighting for a balanced approach. “We want to regulate facial recognition technologies, not ban them. We need clear rules where they can be used and where they must not be used”, said Emil Radev MEP, EPP Group Member of the Legal Affairs Committee. “Without a doubt, we want to prevent mass surveillance and abuse. But this cannot mean banning facial recognition all together. There are harmless and useful applications for facial recognition, which increase personal security", he added.

The parliamentary report to be voted on today proposes guidelines for the military and civil use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems. “The EPP Group insists on an EU legal framework in which AI systems be subject to human control. Humans must always be in control of the applications and ultimately be held responsible. This should concern military and non-military use”, said Radev, who is Shadow Rapporteur on the file.

According to Radev, this is especially important in the military sphere, where no compromises should be made regarding human control over the lethal autonomous weapon systems (LAWS). The parliamentary report calls for the urgent adoption of a common position to prevent the production and use of LAWS that are capable of attack without significant human control.

“The increased use of AI systems also in other spheres, such as healthcare and justice, should not replace human contact. Public services must introduce safeguards to protect the interests of citizens. We want people to always be informed if they are subject to a decision based on data provided by AI. They should have the right to communicate with a civil official”, Radev concluded.

The vote on the report takes place today at 13:00 hrs. The Commission legislative proposal on AI is expected in early 2021.

Note to editors

The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 187 Members from all EU Member States

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