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29.05.2013 16:00
EU Foreign Policy: new EU agenda for the freedom of religion or belief
EPP Group MEP Laima Liucija Andrikiene has welcomed the adoption of the European Parliament’s Recommendation to the Council on the draft EU Guidelines on the Promotion and Protection of Freedom of Religion or Belief in the EP Committee on Foreign Affairs today. "Discrimination, persecution and violence still exists in all regions of the world, therefore, the European Parliament has repeatedly called on the EEAS and the Council for special EU Guidelines which would advance the right to freedom of religion or belief as part of EU external policy. Finally, we can welcome the work done by the EEAS and the Council for the preparation of the draft EU Guidelines on the Promotion and Protection of Freedom of Religion or Belief", said Laima Andrikiene MEP, Parliament’s Standing Rapporteur.
"The recommendations are an important input of the European Parliament to the draft EU Guidelines and it is a clear sign that the European Parliament is deeply concerned about the freedom of religion or belief in the world and seeks stronger EU stance on the promotion and protection of this fundamental and universal freedom", said Laima Andrikiene MEP.
The Parliament is pushing forward an ambitious set of instruments providing suggestions for the practical implementation of the new EU Guidelines in order to achieve remarkable progress in the promotion and protection of freedom of religion or belief in the world.
“These detailed priorities of action proposed by the Parliament will allow the EU to make informed decisions about whose freedom of religion or belief is under attack, substantially help in ensuring a high level monitoring assessment and support in cases of breaches, as well as help promote freedom of religion or belief”, she concluded
Votes on the recommendation are foreseen for the EP Plenary session in June. EU Guidelines on the Promotion and Protection of Freedom of Religion or Belief should be adopted by the Council on 24 June.
Note to editors
The EPP Group is by far the largest political group in the European Parliament with 269 Members and 3 Croatian Observer Members.
<p>The EPP Group is the only Group in the European Parliament which has a long-standing dialogue with monotheistic religions such as Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Islam and the Jewish faiths.</p>
former EPP Group MEP
Press officer for Petitions, Gender Equality, Civil Liberties, Justice, Home Affairs and for Lithuania
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