EPP Group warns against "uncoordinated approaches" in new EU climate and energy policy

22.01.2014 13:08

EPP Group warns against "uncoordinated approaches" in new EU climate and energy policy

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Richard Seeber MEP, EPP Group Spokesman in the European Parliament's Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee, and Pilar Del Castillo MEP, the EPP Group’s Spokeswoman in Parliament's Industry, Energy and Research Committee, have welcomed the new Climate and Energy Package presented today by the European Commission, but they warn against "uncoordinated approaches".

"EU climate policy must not become an anti-industry policy", they said today in Brussels. “It is not sufficient to push for a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions whilst neglecting the roll-out of more renewable energies and the boosting of industry production in Europe”, they stressed.

Seeber calls for a cross-country and cross-party alliance to boost a European transition to renewables: "I am in favour of binding targets to reduce emissions, to produce more renewable energies and to reduce power consumption."

Del Castillo welcomed the additional emphasis on the governance of energy systems as well as the detailed analysis on energy prices and costs: "A future ambitious climate and energy agenda has to be cost-effective, but Member States should assess other ways as well to bring down electricity prices, such as reviewing their energy taxation", stressed Del Castillo.

Note to editors

The EPP Group is by far the largest political group in the European Parliament with 274 Members from 27 Member States.

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