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27.06.2023 10:17
EPP improves new fisheries control law
Following today’s committee vote on the inter-institutional agreement on the Fisheries Control Regulation, the EPP Group considers that the law text is much more balanced than the Commission’s initial draft. It will be gradually implemented, allowing fishing fleets to adapt to the new rules.
“The new Regulation reinforces the control of imports from third countries as the traceability requirements to the EU fleet should also be requested for imported products”, said the EPP Group negotiator of law, Francisco Millán Mon MEP. "Furthermore, the harmonisation across Europe of the system of infringements and sanctions will ensure a level playing field for operators.”
The law text approved today, will also introduce an EU-wide registration and control system for recreational fisheries, an activity that is having an increasing impact on fish stocks.
“The improved collection of catch and geolocation data can be a guarantee for the fishing sector, especially for small-scale fishermen. The data will allow the fishing fleet to have records of its activity against new sectors competing for marine space, such as offshore wind energy. It will also help to safeguard historical fishing rights”, explained Millán Mon.
The EPP Group negotiator insisted that “the EPP Group has worked tirelessly to improve the disproportionate initial Commission proposal, which was out of touch with reality. Of course, it is important to continue working to make sure that the implementation of the new rules does not become an excessive burden for the operators. The European Commission and the Member States have to be in continuous contact and close dialogue with the sector in the process for the proper implementation of the Regulation.”
The final vote in Parliament's plenary on the inter-institutional agreement is foreseen for this autumn.
Note to editors
The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 177 Members from all EU Member States
Shadow Rapporteur
former staff member
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