End violence against women: Mobilising all EU countries in the fight


End violence against women: Mobilising all EU countries in the fight

Figures on violence against women are shocking. Every day, two women are killed at the hands of a partner or family member in the EU, and sexual harassment affects one in two women.

In this episode of our "A Europe that Protects You" series, we delve deeper into the decisive steps the EU is taking to combat this pervasive issue.

We believe that criminalising gender-based violence everywhere in Europe, and to the same standards, is the first step towards this goal.

Hear from MEPs Frances Fitzgerald, Arba Kokalari, Elissavet Vozemberg, and Javier Zarzalejos, who spearheaded the EPP Group's efforts on this front, as they share valuable insights.

Additionally, activist Iliana Balabanova, President of the European Women's Lobby, sheds light on the current landscape across the EU. She also discusses the significance of recent milestones, including the EU's accession to the Istanbul Convention and the Directive on Combating Violence Against Women.

Tune in to learn more about our mission to build a safer European Union for everyone.

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